
Monday, November 26, 2012

The sun is out...quick wash the laundry!!!

It's been rainy and cloudy the last few days and since today is sunny and breezy I'm working on catching up on laundry! I know you all probably think that missionary life is all glamorous etc. but the truth is really much more ordinary than glamorous!
Granted, figuring out how to do the "ordinary" is often times much more of an adventure than back home! Grocery shopping is an adventure, I try to figure out what I'm buying by looking at pictures and sometimes I manage to be right , other times it's a surprise! Especially here in Japan where even the alphabets (yes, all three of them) are incomprehensible! I'm working out figuring out Hiragana, but that still leaves Katakana and Kanji. To top it off Kanji has over 2,000 characters and each character can have more than one meaning! AND Kanji is not technically an alphabet... it's more like communicating via pictures as each character doesn't represent a sound like an alphabet letter, they represent an idea or concept. Very tricky, especially since they will often use all three types of alphabet in a single word...
Speaking of similarities the language is the same way. Words with different meanings depending on where you place the accent while pronouncing the word. For example, the word Shujin means HUSBAND as in my sweet Hubby.
Shujin and me
HOWEVER, depending on where I place the accent it also means... PRISONER!
And, as any of you who know me and my language skills know, I am FAMOUS for placing accents in the wrong places!  I will DEFINITELY be introducing my husband as my prisoner!  He says its the same thing anyway...


  1. Ha! Awesome!! What r u using to learn the language? Rosetta stone?

    1. Hi Jason!
      Gary and I are both doing our own thing on the language learning. Mostly I'm doing what I did to learn Spanish, asking how things are said and using the words and phrases I learn. Atsuko has been helping us out with sentence structure etc., and I also have a few online courses I'm working through!

  2. Has he done the dishes??? if not tell him to sweep the floor...LOL

    1. Gary believes doing the dishes would be a violation of his human rights as my prisoner!

  3. I think she meant "Shogun and me"
