
Friday, November 23, 2012

Buttons, Buttons Everywhere!

We are currently staying in Atsuko's family home, it is a very comfortable  older traditional style Japanese home. I find the house fascinating because even though it is an older home there are electronic buttons everywhere and for everything.  Every room is sealed off from the other rooms and you only heat the room you're in... very smart and handy. You enter a room, push a button and turn on the heater in that room. When you go into the kitchen/dining area where most of the daily hanging out goes on, you push a button and the FLOOR heats up! You can comfortably remove your slippers and lay your feet on a toasty warm floor! Since I have always suffered from cold feet, I especially enjoy this! In the kitchen there is an alarm that beeps on the refrigerator if you don't close the door tightly. By the kitchen sink there is a button to turn the hot water heater on or off as well as a button to set the exact water temperature for the shower and the bath tub waters. (yes, there are two different faucets for those). Speaking of baths and showers, I have been totally converted to the Japanese bath style. First you take a shower and get completely clean and then you hop into a deep tub (up to your shoulders deep) and SOAK! It's SOOOO relaxing... I love it!  And since the water temperature on the heater is set for the temperature you want it you just turn on the faucet and out comes the water at your preferred fiddling with the hot and cold trying to find that right mix!
 It is all very logical and convenient!

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