
Monday, November 26, 2012

This and That!

Well we went to the Chofu Cultural Center the other day, saw an ad in the English language newspaper saying there would be free immigration help there. We had a few questions so thought we'd check it out. We were met by some very friendly people, and a nice lady who acted as interpreter for us with a lawyer. Our lawyer wasn't certain on how to answer our questions so he went to the trouble to call another lawyer (a veteran lawyer with LOTS of experience he said) and scheduled us an appointment for Wed. at this "veterans" office, and even said he was going to try to meet us there. Very nice people! I really hope we can get all the paperwork done soon so we can get our own place and a church building and get to work! There was a very nice view from the Cultural Center!

Today, it rained all day so apart from a run to the grocery store...(actually a walk with an umbrella) I stayed inside. I was feeling like eating something American today so I bought a few little steaks, made some broccoli with cheese sauce and some potatoes. My local grocery store really doesn't have much in the way of vegetables. I haven't seen any canned veggies, other than tomatoes, and corn. The frozen veggie section only had broccoli and corn and a mixed veggie bag. The fresh produce only carries what's in the moment I think it's leeks and squash! I'm going to have to check out a few different stores, I've never been a big veggie eater anyway, but I do like canned greenbeans on occasion, and calabacitas...(zucchini or yellow).
Anyway, the dinner turned out tasty and I set a plate aside for Atsuko too. Later we can have some leftover Oden soup later that Atsuko made last was delicious
 and full of so many goodies that I have no idea how to say or spell!
Followed the Packer game online today...very disappointing! Nice to be able to stay in touch with people and on top of events back home... how times have changed since the first time we went to Mexico and were lucky to get an occasional letter from the outside world!  Now I can stay in touch with my daughter in Panama or my children or family in the States on a daily spoiled we are!


  1. Hi! My name is Rachel and my husband and I were saved out of the Radcliff, KY Potter's house years ago (we know your husband's sister, Karen!). Someone shared your husband's blog with me and I stumbled onto yours. How exciting! We were so happy to hear of a church going into Tokyo! We have had such a burden for that nation since the tsunami hit and brought such devastation. Currently we are pioneering a church in Nashville, TN (our 2nd pioneer adventure!). We are praying for you guys, for many open doors and for God to do a quick work to build and establish a church there! God bless!

    1. Hi Rachel!
      Nice to "meet" you! glad you are enjoying the blog, Praise God for your work in Nashville! Thanks for your prayers, we need them!

  2. Been praying for God's favor in Japan so you can "get to work"! Loving the blog...keep it up sister! :)

    1. Thanks Heather! We miss you guys and our farkle nights! There are ALOT of Indian restaurants here and I saw Nan in the grocery store!

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