
Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 29th Lisa Eats a Fizzy Pepsi Cheeto

Dear loyal follower...Melissa (because apparently I have only one actual Follower according to my blog statistics)!  Things are going well here in Tokyo, better than last week! (No deaths or near deaths like last week for which we are grateful!)  Our real estate agent is staying in touch with us regularly and trying hard to find us a building for the church. Nothing is done quickly in Japan but with much thought and deliberation before hand. There is actually a Japanese proverb that says that if you are in a hurry take the slow route because hurrying can cause mistakes to happen! (It's true! Anytime I've tried to get Gary to hurry faster for something he goes slower!!!!)

The weather has finally let up some, cooler evenings and less humidity so it all helps. There's even been a couple times when we didn't need to run the air conditioner which will be even nicer with the electric bill!

On to food!!!

Gary and I made it by one of our preferred bakeries in Fuchu this week. It's a bit far from home so we don't get there too often. We did pick up a couple of our favorite breads and enjoyed them the next morning with coffee for breakfast.  I like a big eggy French toast like bread. 

And Gary likes what I call Crown Bread...I have no idea what it really is called!

The other day I decided to make a new Kakuni recipe.
 I've made it before but I had a new low-fat one that has three times as many steps to it but looked good. I got the recipe from one of my favorite you tube  Japanese recipe cooks.  Here is the video I used.
It's funny because the site is called Cooking with Dog... which is either a very clever play on a stereotype...or just an unfortunate choice of names! Lol  It features a lady who cooks while her dog watches!
To top off the food section we have the new cheeto flavor, Fizzy Pepsi!
Let's see what I think about this new flavor...


  1. LOL, you never cease to make me laugh with your "food tries" on video! Glad you had a better week, and still praying God moves for your building situation. Oh, and btw, my name is not Melissa.(j/k) ;)

  2. ok, just came back and watched the cooking video, and really had a good laugh about the dog, and yes, those are A LOT of steps! And I thought Indian food was a tad complicated, lol!

  3. You dear Heather are my faithful replier! Not sure what Melissa did to become a follower but my blog stats only show her as a follower! lol
    The recipe was quite a bit more complicated than my original Kakuni recipe but it really was much less fat. Since it's made with pork belly you can see how much fat is in it if you don't do all that extra stuff.

  4. Lisa
    Just a note that Both my wife & I follow you @ your blog and on the "Marble".
    Thanks for the insight on you & Gary's adventures in Japan.
    Love your food adventures!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Lisa I follow your adventures as well. You have groupies. :o)


  6. Thanks guys! Good to know I'm not just talking to the wind! LOL!
