
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22 2013

Well so far this week has been cloudy, overcast and/or raining! I don't expect it to clear up until typhoon Francisco gets past us Friday or Saturday.  It did stay dry enough for me to get a load of laundry dried outside but it took 2 days!  I don't really mind the cooler weather but I could do with some sunshine!
I did a little shopping on Monday and picked up this cute little rug for the floor next to my side of the bed.                                                  Seriously, how cute is that?!!!                                      
Cooler weather does make me feel more like cooking though, tonight we're having homemade oden..well the broth is homemade, you can buy all the little oden packets to add to the broth. Mine looked like this one.  
You can always tell when summer is over because all the shops start selling oden, it's a cold weather soup!
I'm also making some chicken wings with salted plum sauce.
and of course there will be rice! 
Afterwards I made some banana bread for desert!
Yesterday was one of my brothers birthday so I called him to wish him a Happy Birthday! He doesn't understand how I can handle living in such a big city, he is hermit-y enough that he prefers the mountains in Idaho and avoids shopping except during the quiet times of the day.  I do envy his getting to be so close to nature. I especially miss the quiet of only nature sounds when I want to sleep at night.
Time for dinner! 
That's it for now! Have a nice week!


  1. I Love your awesome Cute rug!!! I want it. And I want your cooking!!!
    I'm making teriyaki wings with fresh ginger, soy sause and garlic today with white rice, also going to start pickling this week Im going insane with your food I'm just going to have to make it my Self! <3 <3 <3

    1. I confess I thought of you when I bought the rug, I buy kitty things to remind me of you and bunny things to remind me of Hopie! Definitely go the the site I sent you, I know you can get the ingredients in Balharbor and make a bunch of yummy stuff! Can you imagine if you, me and Hopie lived near each other.. we'd put on some delicious feasts!

  2. I agree that the rug is adorable! Your food looks scrumptious as well! Yes, weather is cooler here too, so back to baking casseroles and sweets, along with making soups, etc. Heard you guys got some tremors earlier. :)

    1. I saw some of your yummy baked goodies, I miss our Sunday school yummies! We did get woken with a bit of a quake the other night but it settled down and we went back to sleep.
