I think some folks think that being called into the ministry or to the mission field is something impossible for them to do because their background isn't one of jet setting or money but I'm here to tell you my background wasn't either. While I was an AirForce brat and lived in New York, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Japan that was only until I was about 6 years old. After that, my Dad retired from the military and we moved to Eau Claire,Wi. for a couple of years and then we moved to Cleghorn, Wi. a town so small it was unincorporated and literally had more cows than people!

I grew up in this old farm house with 6 brothers and 1 sister. We had some dogs, cats and at different times we also had chickens, rabbits, pigs a duck and a pony! I spent my days playing Army in the woods with my brothers,climbing trees, or picking wild berries and asparagus. In the winter we built massive snow forts and tobaggoned down the hills on our property. We also ice skated on the creeks or down at the ice rink next to the grade school "in town". The last thing I ever imagined was that God could take somebody like me and throw her all over the world into different countries and major cities! I won't lie and say I don't miss the country life because I do, I'm a country girl at heart and probably always will be, but I also love serving God and meeting different people all over the place!
When Gary and I got married it was at the little country church I was attending.
This church was originally Pleasant Valley town hall and school. Eventually, the land it was on was bought by a farmer and he started a Bible Study and eventually it grew and we got a Pastor and Pleasant Valley Bible Church was started. (Cleghorn is in Pleasant Valley township) There was no indoor plumbing only an outhouse but it was where I spent my first years as a new Christian and I have very fond memories of our little church and the people that were in it! Unfortunately, as the years passed many of the older members passed away and the younger ones moved on to bigger churches in the city. Recently though, the building was donated as an historical site by the family who owned it, to the township of Pleasant Valley and they moved it to where Cleghorn Elementary School used to be, to be a part of the new Cleghorn Park. I found this link to a video of the move. As far as I know, Gary and I were the only couple married there. I have been asked to send them some wedding pictures but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Here's a few pics from where my old grade school was and is now the town park. Yes, I had a Huge playground, including a hill for sledding and an ice skating rink. Recesses rocked there! You can see the old church where I was married in the background since they moved it.
Farmers like their tractors!
You know you're a farming community when you see the competitions for Harvest Fest!

Anyway, there you have it, my country girl past! On to food!!!!
I've been trying some new recipes out lately. I tried this recipe by Maria on youtube. She's from Ecuador and it's her pollo seco recipe! It's super easy!
I didn't have any achiote or saffron (though I think it was turmeric she substituted) and I decided to add some sliced mushrooms just because I love mushrooms! Here's mine.
I was still feeling Lantina so then I made arroz con pollo with calabacitas on the side!
I thought I'd better do something Japanese so I made these little pork tsukune patties.
I got the recipe from here: https://en.cookpad.com/recipe/2190300 This site used to be only in Japanese but is now in English as well, I love it and it has LOTS of new recipes to try! Like today's chicken wings and Daikon radish recipe!
Anyway, that's it for now! Until next time!